These things always take longer than you expect, especially when my Dad is involved! Bless him he wants to do the job as well as possible and wont let us in to white wash it until he has taken all the mess is off the walls, patched up the holes and fiddled with all the other stuff that needs to be "prepped" first. I was just goning to slap some paint on!!!
But we are getting to the stage where we have a big empty room ready to make beautiful. Its quite exciting really.

We are getting there, he has now patched up all the missing plaster boards, changed the lights and mended all the bits that look nasty, he is now plastering up the gaps in the plasterboard so that we do get to paint it (that's our job!) the room will be clean and white and reflect all the light possible, its going to be great.

But we are getting to the stage where we have a big empty room ready to make beautiful. Its quite exciting really.

We are getting there, he has now patched up all the missing plaster boards, changed the lights and mended all the bits that look nasty, he is now plastering up the gaps in the plasterboard so that we do get to paint it (that's our job!) the room will be clean and white and reflect all the light possible, its going to be great.

It has taken a while but we have now finished the studio!!
After 6 months of moving furniture and boxes, patching up the plaster board, re-wiring, painting (endless painting!), carpeting and cleaning, this week we were finally able to move into the studio.
Mark has never had somewhere he can spread and have the space to go "wild" with his art work and now he can (thanks to my parents who have let us use this room in their barn), he can now experiment with different mediums and techniques and start using larger canvases which would have no chance of fitting in our house let alone given him room to work, so no longer does he have to work on the kitchen table where he gets kicked off every meal time and no longer does he have to complain at me because I have tieded his paints!!
We have set the studio up so it is a place where we can both work (oh yes I get a little corner too!), but also where we can show case Mark's and my work for visitors, we will be opening the studio on certain dates to the public, so you can visit us in our place of work, go to the open studio page for more details. We will also aim to run workshops and other events, so keep an eye on the website for future announcements.
We also intend to use the studio and its space to expand our business, next year we plan to attend lots of new events, including more music festivals and craft events and we have plans on new ways of using Mark's fabulously colourful art work amongst other things, so watch that space.
Our studio is great and we love it, however we wont always be in it, with winter now upon us, it does not make economical sense to be heating two buildings, so during the winter we will be back working in the house, so if you wish to visit us in the studio, please make sure you email us first.
We hope to see you soon.
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