February 2014
Well the weather is still ickie and we are all getting fed up with it (especially those on the Somerset levels, which is not far from us, but luckily far away enough, I do feel for all those poor families). I am keeping optimistic and hoping that this wet season will change to a glorious summer, which would be about time!

January has been a quiet month, yet busy and also a frustrating month too! Its quiet because we dont have many events in January which makes it frustrating. But its busy because it is our time to catch up on everything. There's the all important tax return to file- tick, the website to update and make changes, new stock to be created and new ideas to be thought of.
Its also very busy because it is the time of year I am organising the rest of the year. I am a stickler for a spreadsheet and boy do they come in handy when I am trying to formulate our events calender. There are so many events we would like to do, often on the same day. Alot of them we did last year and some of them we haven't stopped doing and some of them are new to us. So this month is spent investigating new venues, filling in and sending application forms and sorting our acceptances. We are getting there, but as the process can be quite slow, there are still lots to be confirmed. So at the moment our events calender shows where we hope to be going with some confirmed dates which have been highlighted, so that you have a rough idea where to find us this year.
So now we are coming into February, we are stepping up the pace ever so slightly, making as much stock as we can ready for the new event season and particularly with Valentine's Day fast approaching we have launched a page on our shop especially, on this page we have selected pieces from both our work which we think would make ideal Valentine's gifts and cards. click here.
This time of year is also a time for product development, something Mark and I have always been keen on having a go at is mosiacs, so we hope to be giving it a go over the coming weeks and will be launching our range soon. We are thinking that with both of us making them we will be able to have two diverse styles. So are looking forward to seeing what we can produce. You can help too, if you have any old crockery or tiles, broken coloured glass, bottle tops or pretty stones you dont want, donations would be much appreciated!
Mark's busy with his next painting, which is a biggie, so it may take him a while, this one is going to be similar to a couple of his other tree paintings, but this time the tree is going to have a bit of a twist to it, I'm not going to tell you what, you will have to wait and see....
I have been attending the markets in Taunton once a week on a Saturday, but as the weather is very eratic at them moment, we are experiencing cancellations or early closures, so if you want to pop along to see me, it is best to come in the morning to see if the market is running, if the winds pick up they have to take the stalls down for health and saftey reasons so I may not be there by the afternoon.

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