Well I said in my last blog that it would not be long until Mark churned out his next painting and it wasn't, this one was produced in less than a week!

Mark's loving his Mandala's and they are featuring more and more in his work.
However, Mark has decided to go back to work, having never been self employed before, he found it hard to take the rough with the smooth, the good with the bad. And as it has been a particularly testing 3 months, with eratic trading because of the weather its not been easy. We would also like to have a bit more money coming in so that we can give our much loved house in France the Love it so desperatly needs. Due to the business, which we have been putting all our efforts in to, we have not been able to spend the time and money we need to to get this project off the ground, eventually we would like to "retire" here (if not maybe sooner), the idea was to get the business up and running so that when we did move out there it would still be running and we would continue to thrive as well fulfill our dreams of being self sufficient on our own little small holding. With Mark's new income we can get back to getting the project up and running and on track.
This week Mark has been offered a job as Team Leader on the Taunton Canal.

Its not the end of Mark's painting of course, he will continue to paint every chance he can and I will continue to take his work out with me. Mark will also join me still for the larger events. But more often than not I will be taking our daughter out with us, her Saturday job! who I am hoping will get the confidence to do a bit of busking on the side, so look out for that!
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