As this is one of my first blogs, let me introduce us a bit.
My name is Tammy Betson and I am one half of T&M Arts and Crafts, the other half being my husband Mark.
WE are a crafty couple who like to make things to make people smile.
I make silver wire jewellery (in plated and sterling) with semi precious gemstones. I have been making this jewellery for about 5 years now after diversifying from my Wedding floristry business. I manipulate the wire into spirals and shapes using just a set of pliers and my hands, sometimes they are just spirals and sometimes I twin them up with semi precious gemstones. I also make pendants which include the Tree of Life, Elephants and Maps.
Mark is the artist, he did an A level in art after school and has been painting ever since, originally he was more of a landscape painter (still with his own unique style) but he found it quite boring and to be honest they didn't sell very well when we started attending events. So In 2010 he suddenly came out with something completely different, which to be honest was a complete surprise even to himself! Ever since then he has painted in this style with each new painting becoming more and more intricate and although they are all on the same theme (trees) each one is very different. He paints trees as he has been a woodland manager and hedge layer in the past and has a real passion for nature and colour, occasionally something else pops up like the Greenman or a hot air balloon, but mainly they are trees.
We sell his work as originals, prints and cards

This winter (February 2015) I decided to add a new product to our range, one I have been meaning to do for quite a while. Mosaics. I am quite speedy at making my spirals now and its something I can do while I am at events (make bags of spirals ready to take home, hammer and assemble with stones). So it does give me quite a lot of free time when I am not out and about. So I finally took the plunge and I'm loving it! They get their first ever outing this weekend!
So where can you find us to buy all these fantastic things?
You can visit our website or you can go to my Folksy shop.
Or if you are local (Devon/Somerset) You will find me on the Castle Green in Taunton (2nd, 3rd, 4th) Saturday's, Seaton Artisan Market on the 1st Saturday. Glastonbury Street market every Tuesday from mid March to September and Wells Street Market every Wednesday (weather permitting of course!).